In the News
Here are some of the things people are writing about us:
Palau reefs excellent compared to others in region
Matangi Tonga, Tonga's leading news website, covered the Living Oceans Foundation's work to assess the health and resiliency of coral reefs in Palau.
Palau's coral reefs found to have high coral cover
The USA Today Network published a story in the Pacific Daily News about the high coral cover we found in Palau on the Global Reef Expedition.
Pacific Island Times covers our research in Palau finding that there are fewer reef fish than expected, particularly on nearshore reefs near populated areas.
Palau’s Coral Reefs: A Jewel of the Ocean
The International Coral Reef Institute shares the news of the Foundation's latest report on the state of coral reefs in Palau.
Feature Destination: New Caledonia’s Coral Reefs Offer a Glimmer of Hope for the Future
The cover story in the July 2020 issue of SevenSeas Magazine showcased the work we did on the Global Reef Expedition exploring New Caledonia’s remote coral reefs, some for the first time.
The Global Reef Expedition: The Largest Coral Reef Survey and Mapping Expedition in History
In ECO Magazine: The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation sailed around the world to study coral reefs, returning with maps and data on the status of some of the most remote reefs on Earth.
The state of coral reefs in the Solomon Islands covers the Living Ocean Foundation's research in the Solomon Islands, where we conducted over 1,000 standardized surveys of coral reefs and reef fish and created maps for over 3,000 square kilometers of coastal marine habitats.