Naked Gill Slugs: Colorful Nudibranchs of the Farasan Islands – Fact of the Day

Naked Gill Slugs: Colorful Nudibranchs Of The Farasan Islands

One of the most attractive and diverse of all marine creatures.

This Colorful Nudibranchs Underwater Coral Reef Video about naked gill slugs was taken during the Farasan Islands Expedition filming of coral reef creatures.

About Nudibranchs

One of the most attractive and diverse of all marine creatures is the group of slugs called ‘nudibranchs’. Nudibranchs are snails which have lost their shells and their name literally translates to ‘naked gill’. Many nudibranchs have highly visible gills protruding from their backs. Classified in the Phylum Mollusca, there are over 3000 species of nudibranch world-wide. They are found in waters all over the world, even Antarctica!

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