Pierre Sasal, PhD

Scientific Diver


Since October 2000: Associate researcher CNRS
December 1999 – July 2000 : Post-Doctorate Université de Perpignan UMR 5555 du CNRS & INRA de Rennes
September 1998 - September 1999: Post-Doctorate University of Windsor Ontario CANADA, Collaboration Professor Peter SALE
October 1997 - September 1998: Associate professor University of Perpignan France
January 1995 - October 1997: PhD student, Thesis title « Parasitism and Biological conservation : helminth parasites and protected areas ». University of Marseille France

Ecologist of interactions between fish and parasites for more than 15 years, Pierre Sasal is interested in studying the effects of parasites in natural conditions but also under anthropogenic pressures such as aquaculture, protected areas, introduction of species or polluted environments. He is able to work both in the field and in experimental conditions manipulating the parasites loads. His publications (over 60 indexed papers) are as wide as species description to gene expression of manipulated parasite load.


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