Tyler Smith, PhD

Deep Coral Scientist


Tyler B. Smith, Ph.D., is a Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Marine and Environmental Studies, University of the Virgin Islands. He is the research coordinator for the US Virgin Islands Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program, team leader of the NSF VI-EPSCoR Evolutionary and Ecological Patterns and Processes research thrust, an advisor to CarICOOS, and has served on numerous advisory panels for NOAA and the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources. He is PI on multiple grants related to coral reef ecosystem ecology and health, and has a particular interest in the how physical forcing affects the ecology of coral reef ecosystems in a changing environment. Past and current funded projects include research on the ecological effects of climate change (e.g, symbiont diversity, coral demographics), climate and environmental drivers of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning, and the ecological effects of land based sources of pollution (e.g., sedimentation impacts). He is the author of numerous articles in the scientific literature http://uvi.academia.edu/DrTylerSmith. He is also an instructor, curriculum developer, and graduate student advisor in the UVI Masters of Marine and Environmental Science Program and strives to increase diversity in the marine science-related careers.


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