Our Living Oceans: Ocean Health

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Our Living Oceans: Ocean Health. Now playing on EarthxTV.

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Climate change and ocean acidification are global problems that impact coral reefs everywhere. What can be done to safeguard reefs from these global impacts? Find out in this week’s episode of Our Living Oceans: Ocean Health

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation embarked on the Global Reef Expedition (GRE), a 10-year research mission to assess the health and resiliency of coral reefs around the world, so we are uniquely positioned to cover this topic. Many of the scientists and experts who worked with the Foundation or joined us on the Global Reef Expedition are featured in this episode, including:

  • Her Royal Highness Princess Hala bint Khaled bin Sultan, a member of our Board of Directors
  • Our Chief Scientist, Dr. Sam Purkis
  • Our Director of Science Management, Alexandra Dempsey
  • Our Director of Education, Amy Heemsoth
  • Our Marine Ecologist, Renée Carlton
  • Dr. Anderson Mayfield, an expert on coral health, who joined the Foundation on the Global Reef Expedition as a KSLOF Fellow and now works at the University of Miami
  • Dr. Art Gleason, a research professor and remote sensing expert at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, who is using data from the Global Reef Expedition to study coral reef resiliency
  • Dr. Pete Mumby, a Coral Reef Ecologist at the University of Queensland who joined us on the Global Reef Expedition mission to French Polynesia, and 
  • Dr. Ben Halpern, the Lead Scientist at the Ocean Health Index, which makes a tool that provides an annual assessment of ocean health using information from over 120 scientific databases. 

You’ll also hear from Herr Deepness, Dr. Sylvia Earle, and other prominent scientists and conservationists who are working on preserving healthy oceans for us and for future generations. 

Don’t miss out on your chance to learn more about the health of our oceans—and what you can do to help—from from some of the world’s leading experts. Watch the episode here, or download the EarthX app to stream it on EarthxTV.

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