Our Living Oceans: Reefs and Mapping

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The second episode of Our Living Oceans is now streaming on EarthxTV!

In this episode, submersible pilot Erika Bergman talks to leading marine scientists who are mapping coral reefs across the globe. These maps give us a better understanding of the status of coral reefs today and help us learn how we can protect this critical ecosystem for future generations.

For this episode on Reefs and Mapping, Erika speaks with many scientists who were part of the foundation’s Global Reef Expedition, as well as our partners at NASA Ames Research Center and the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Erika also spoke with Her Deepness, Sylvia Earle, about the Global Reef Expedition and how important its maps and data are for marine science and conservation.

Tune in tonight to learn how we mapped one quarter of the world’s reefs and hear from Ved Chirayath about how our new partnership with NASA will help them map the rest. You will also discover how you can help map reefs too, by playing the NeMO-Net game.

Watch the full episode here, or on the EarthxTV app!

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