Inside the Mangrove Forest

Inside the Mangrove Forest

Online Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum Video: Inside the Mangrove Forest

Inside the Mangrove Forest

In this short film you’ll learn what mangroves are and the importance of the complex ecosystem their forests create.

Welcome to the mangrove forest, where the daily rhythm of the tides sets the pace. These coastal wetlands create a sanctuary for an extraordinary range of creatures; 3/4 of all tropical fish are born here and countless reptiles and birds call this ecosystem home. They filter nutrients and toxins out of the water, provide protection in extreme weather, and are one of the most productive ecosystems on the planet. Enjoy!

To learn more, check out our online coral reef ecology curriculum:



     2016 Blue Ocean Film Festival Honorable Mention   davey_silver_bug    davey_silver_bug

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