Exploring Ocean Literacy: The Vital Role of Language Accessibility in Promoting Ocean Education and Environmental Awareness

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As a passionate advocate for ocean conservation, I recently had the privilege of translating the first book in the Khaled Bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Reefs at Risk Activity and Coloring Book series on coral bleaching from English to French. This experience …

KSLOF Partners with CORDAP to Train the Next Generation of Coral Restoration Professionals

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We are proud to announce that the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Coral Research and Development Accelerator Platform Foundation (CORDAP). This formal agreement was signed by HRH Princess Hala bint Khaled bin Sultan, President of KSLOF, and Professor Carlos Duarte, the CEO of CORDAP Foundation, during the Champions for Coral Innovation Accelerator Gala held at the Science Museum in London.

This agreement marks the beginning of a strategic partnership to train the next generation of coral restoration professionals. The collaboration focuses on building capacity and enhancing educational initiatives for coral reef restoration. By sharing best practices and training practitioners, the partnership aims to improve the effectiveness of coral reef restoration efforts around the world.

Saudi Red Sea Authority Partners with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation

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We are thrilled to announce a significant new partnership between the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and the Saudi Red Sea Authority (SRSA). This collaboration marks a major milestone in our ongoing efforts to advance marine conservation and promote sustainable marine tourism in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea.

The partnership was officially established today with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The signing ceremony was attended by prominent representatives from both organizations, including Mr. Mohammed Al-Nasser, CEO of SRSA, and HRH Princess Hala bint Khaled bin Sultan Al-Saud, president of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.

Meet Research Assistant Zachary Adams

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Today’s guest blog comes from Zachary Adams, an undergraduate research assistant at the University of Miami working on our Protist Prophets project. The project, funded by the National Science Foundation, uses foraminifera found in sand samples we collected on the Global Reef Expedition to assess the long-term health of coral reefs.

The Living Oceans Foundation joins CORDAP Advisory Board

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Following a unanimous decision made by the representatives of the G20 nations of the Initiative Governance Committee (IGC) of the Global Coral Reef Research and Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP), the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) has been appointed as a new member of …

It’s Official: Coral Reefs are Facing a Mass Global Bleaching Event

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Today, a worldwide network of coral reef scientists announced that the world is currently experiencing its fourth global coral bleaching event, the second to hit reefs in the last 10 years. The announcement, made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), comes at a time when coral reefs are facing a number of threats to their survival.  

Bleaching-level heat stress, caused by prolonged increases in anomalous ocean temperatures, has – and continues to be – extensive across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Working with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to save corals in the South Pacific

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Earlier this year the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) entered into a formal partnership to help save corals in the South Pacific region. Founded in 1999, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation …

CORDAP Coral Conservation and Restoration Capacity Development Workshop – Mombasa, Kenya

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Earlier this month, our partners at the Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) hosted a four-day workshop in Mombasa, Kenya, to identify challenges surrounding coral reef conservation and restoration in the Global South. The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation was invited to participate in this workshop to advise on actionable strategies to address the importance of co-design and capacity building for coral conservation programming. The workshop brought together representatives from academia, conservation philanthropies, the private sector, restoration, and government from 19 Global South countries. The Global South…

From Space to Seabed: Researchers use satellites to analyze global reef biodiversity

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Researchers used Earth-orbiting satellites to map coral reef biodiversity at a global scale to show that areas of high habitat diversity also have high species diversity. This new satellite mapping technique, developed by researchers at the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) and the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, can help guide future efforts to identify and protect highly biodiverse reefs…

Discovering Coral Bleaching: An Interactive Coloring Journey

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In the wake of the devastating mass bleaching events that swept across the northern hemisphere’s coral reefs during the scorching summer of 2023, the importance of coral reef education has never been more important. As students settle into their academic routines, the critical issue of coral bleaching has risen to the forefront of environmental concerns in these regions. In response to this need, we are excited to introduce the dedicated section on coral bleaching from our Reefs at Risk Activity and Coloring Book. While the entire book is a work in progress, we’ve recognized the urgency of educating students about coral bleaching and have chosen to release the book in sections to provide timely information and engage young minds in this pressing matter…