Gambier Islands, French Polynesia, Mission Team
Serge Andrefouet, PhD
Brian Beck, PhD
Coral Reef Ecologist
Megan Berkle
C.R.E.W. Participant
Andrew Bruckner, PhD
Former Chief Scientist of the Living Oceans Foundation
John Butscher
Scientific Diver
Andrew Calhoun
Research Assistant
Nick Cautin
Dive Safety Officer
Mireille Chinain, PhD
Co-Principal Investigator
Megan Cook
Photographer’s Assistant / Scientific Diver
Marine Couraudon-Reale
Marine Biologist
Alexandra Dempsey
Chief Executive Officer
Ian Enochs, PhD
Eddie Gonzalez
Gabriel Haumani
Scientific Diver
Jeremy Kerr
2010 Research Fellow, Benthic Habitat Mapping
Marie Kospartov
Scientific Diver
Eva McClure
Scientific Diver
João Monteiro
2012 Research Fellow
Jenna Moore
Scientific Diver
Claude Payri
Philip Renaud
Former Executive Director of the Living Oceans Foundation
Melanie Roue, PhD
Badi Samaniego
2012 Research Fellow, Scientific Diver
Andre Ung
Technical Assistant
Simon Van Wynsberge
Scientific Diver
Michelle Westmorland